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Epicpolomint staff application

Posted: August 9th, 2024, 8:23 pm
by someonepolomint
Discord user: ckjj

Steamid: Steam_0:1:599390298

Age: 15

How many days do you have on the server: 3d 19hr 15m

Timezone: GMT/BST

Why do you want to be staff (150 words): I have been spending a lot of time in this gmod server, playing it for the past 4 weeks on-and-off, and I have to say it has been a quite a bit of fun. I want to take my involvement in the community to the next level by becoming a staff member and helping to improve everyones experience overall. As someone who has experienced incidents such as MRDM and RDA amongst others, I know how crucial moderation is with how cases are handled as sometimes people dont understand rules that well and may need guidance as to how the server functions. I tend to witness rule breaks a lot, since I am almost always where the activity is and if made staff would be able to stop the person almost as soon as they begin their rule breaking spree. Overall I see cove rp as a fun and exciting dark rp community, and want to help a bit more other than putting money in tcae and jimbos wallet.

What makes you better than others applying (100 words): I would be better fit for the role as I try my best to stick to the rules to the best of my ability at all times, even when my mates try to convince me not to follow the current rules in place in favour of their devious activities. I am mostly impartial when it comes to moderation, as shown in other communties which I have been in, and I believe I would be a good fit for the moderation team. I also practically have no life and am on here a lot, so I will be able to enforce rules when other moderators may be doing their stuff or whatever they need to do.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? If not what makes you just as good as those who do (100 words): I have previously been staffed in a Roblox United Kingdom Roleplay Community, which I now regret looking at it since I wasted so much time there just for the owner to be a pedophile. I was a Community Manager, Community Moderator (ingame and on discord) and was a member of the appeals team. I served in these positions for roughly between 9-12 months, in which I helped countless people with their issues regarding Moderation (in game and inside of the discord server), them appealing their punishments, and the department that I was placed incharge of due to me being seen as the best fit between three applicants.

Additional details: My GCSE's are beginning this year, so I will have limited availability towards the end of august to june of 2025. (My mocks are in late october).