Lucis staff app

Apply to become staff on our server!
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Lucis staff app

Post by Lucifixr »

Discord user:




How many days do you have on the server (!time to check) (Minimum requirement 3d but exceptions can be made):

5d 3h

CEST (Netherlands)

Why do you want to be staff (150 words):
I know I would make a great addition to the team.  Not only am I dedicated enough to the server, I help the community the best I can at the moment and would like to help it even further by becoming staff. I want to contribute more towards the community because I really enjoy the people on here as well as the friends I made along the way. I am confident of my abilities to moderate the server, as well as keeping people happy and satisfied. I am reliable and trustworthy and I think a handful of the players can agree on that.

What makes you better than others applying (100 words):

I think I'm very flexible (not sure how to word this any differently lol). I would love for other people to criticize what I'm doing so I could improve on myself. 

I'm very active in the server and I'm rarely afk, so I happen to see a lot of the reports that are being made or when people are breaking any rules. I engage with a lot of the people on the server and I'm sure most of the people know me by now. I am also very creative, so I could help think of new ideas to improve the server or discord, and would love to help advertise the server more as well. I also resolve reports fair and unbiased and I'm very good under pressure. In the future, I'd love to help other newer staff members resolve reports and help become a better staff member as well. I haven't really shown my professional side on the server yet, other when I report people or remind them to not break a rule in the OOC chat, but if I need to be I'm very professional. Besides being professional, I also like setting up events with players and to have fun. I want the players to have some kind of memory with the server so they have a good reason to come back. (Not saying the server is boring). 

And since my time zone is set in Europe, I think it would compliment well with the other staff members.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? If not what makes you just as good as those who do (100 words):

I do have previous staffing experience, just don't know any of the commands. I know the rules and I know when to apply the proper punishment when someone breaks them. If I know all the commands in Gmod, I'll be just as good as any normal staff member.

I've been staffing on Minecraft servers, Roblox games and SCP: secret lab. We ended up on good terms, and I've been staff on those games for approximately 3-5 months.

Although I haven't been a staff on Gmod servers yet, I have moderated DarkRP servers on Roblox, and I've moderated a Minecraft servers that kind of had the same rules as Gmod DarkRP servers.

A few of my jobs were to moderate the game, mute people who needed a mute or ban and moderate the discord server they had on that time. I also had fun with a lot of players there since the game allowed us to. This is partially why I also wanted to apply on here, I just want to have fun with the players around and I want to be known as a good and trusted staff. 

Additional details:

I own a gromit mug.
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